How to stay safe during a heatwave: here are some tips

Discover how to enjoy Ibiza even during a heatwave with essential tips

Tuesday, July 16 2024, 2.14pm

Experiencing a heatwave while on holiday in Ibiza can be challenging, especially if you’re not accustomed to extreme temperatures. 

As the Balearic Islands brace for soaring temperatures, here’s how you can stay cool and safe while enjoying your time on this beautiful island.

Ibiza’s Port Crowned By Dalt Vila, The Old Town.
Ibiza’s port crowned by Dalt Vila, the old town.

Stay hydrated

First and foremost, drink plenty of water. The intense heat can quickly lead to dehydration, which can cause serious health issues such as heatstroke. 

Aim to drink at least two litres of water a day and avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages as they can dehydrate you further.

Beach Day, Water Sports &Ndash; Heatwave Ibiza &Ndash; Living Ibiza
How to stay safe during a heatwave: here are some tips 1

Avoid the midday sun

The sun is at its strongest between 11 am and 4 pm. During these hours, try to stay indoors or in shaded areas. 

If you must be outside, wear light, loose-fitting clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and plenty of sunscreen with a high SPF. 

Opt for early morning or late afternoon activities to avoid the peak heat.

Cool off in the water

Ibiza is renowned for its stunning beaches and clear waters, which provide a perfect respite from the heat. Spend your day at the beach, but remember to take breaks from the sun and stay under an umbrella or shade when possible. 

Cala Tarida
Cala Tarida

Public pools and water parks are also excellent places to cool down and have fun.

Embrace air-conditioned spaces

Make use of air-conditioned spaces like museums, cinemas, shopping centres and restaurants. These places not only offer a break from the heat but also an opportunity to experience the cultural and culinary delights of Ibiza. 

Many of Ibiza’s indoor attractions are worth exploring and can provide a refreshing escape from the scorching temperatures.

Modify your diet

During a heatwave, what you eat can significantly impact how you feel. Mediterranean diets are naturally suited for hot weather. 

Eat light, hydrating foods such as salads, fruits and vegetables, which can help keep you cool. 

Beach Day, Water Sports &Ndash; Heatwave Diet &Ndash; Living Ibiza
How to stay safe during a heatwave: here are some tips 2

Avoid heavy meals and opt for smaller, more frequent snacks to maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

Stay informed

Keep an eye on local weather updates and heed any warnings from the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet). They provide valuable information about heatwave patterns, temperature projections and any potential risks such as increased fire danger. 

Staying informed will help you make better decisions and avoid hazardous situations.

Beach Day, Water Sports &Ndash; Heatwave Informed &Ndash; Living Ibiza
How to stay safe during a heatwave: here are some tips 3

Plan indoor activities

Ibiza offers a variety of indoor activities that can keep you entertained while staying cool. Visit the island’s museums, art galleries and historical sites. For instance, the Ibiza Museum of Contemporary Art and the Archaeological Museum of Ibiza are excellent choices for those interested in culture and history.

Ibiza Museum Of Contemporary Art.
Ibiza Museum of Contemporary Art.

Indoor activities can provide a rich experience without the risk of overheating.

Take precautions at night

Evenings in Ibiza can remain warm, so it’s essential to ensure your sleeping environment is cool. 

If your accommodation doesn’t have air conditioning, consider using fans and keeping windows open to promote airflow. 

Taking a cool shower before bed can also help lower your body temperature, making it easier to sleep.

Protect vulnerable groups

If you’re travelling with elderly relatives or young children, take extra precautions. These groups are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. 

Make sure they stay hydrated, cool and avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day. 

Beach Day, Water Sports &Ndash; Protect Heatwave &Ndash; Living Ibiza
How to stay safe during a heatwave: here are some tips 4

Regularly check on their well-being and be alert for any signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

Know the signs of heat-related illness

Recognise the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke, which include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea and headaches. If you or someone you’re with exhibits these symptoms, move to a cooler place, hydrate and seek medical attention if necessary.

By following these tips, you can enjoy your Ibiza holiday even during a heatwave. Stay cool, stay safe and make the most of your time on this beautiful island.

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